Saturday, March 6, 2010

Iditarod 38

The Reitters were out in pretty near full force for the Ceremonial Start of the 38th Iditarod! Here are just a few photos of what we were a part of.

Grandma and Willie recooping while taking in Saturday's event.

Dan Seavey once again rode as the ceremonial first musher.

Alan has caught the volunteer bug now, he's already talking about next year!

Jeff runs up the trail to help Alan & the musher get the sled and team back on track.

Duane waiting for the next team to come through

more to come as I get them editted and sorted.


  1. Great post. and fantastic pictures. thank you.
    And soo glad to see mom made it.

  2. yup she had a great time. Judy and Mom were in the motorhome with her and apparently were quite entertaining (my mother made sure to embarass herself several times by cheering out the window for the different teams going through)
