Tuesday, January 5, 2010

And we have a room number!

Providence Neurology room 568, she's not here yet, though. Grandpa is out getting the van pulled around so he can take all of the goodies out of her rehab room and take most of them home. She will be in this part of the hospital - it sounds like - for three or four days. Dr. Chow (her rehab doctor) told us to tell her that she should enjoy her "vacation" because she WILL be going back over to his wing for at least another week after she recoups from her surgery.

I'm watching my grandfather wander around chatting with all of the staff. He's bragging that I'm here hanging out with him. It cracks me up and embarasses me at the same time. But hey, it's good to see him smile.

Grandpa is doing pretty well, he's only gotten teary eyed a couple of times. I think it's almost as hard to see him deal with all of this and the realization that life has changed as we all knew it, as it is to see Grandma deal with everything that is going on. But, God is in control and He knows what's going on. He has a plan and we just have to hold to the promise that He will never leave us, nor forsake us... and that He never gives us more than we can handle.

Grandpa is off to get the van so I have to be on the look out for when they wheel her up to her room. Got the big screen TV on here in the sitting room outside of the physical therapy "gym". It's pretty nice, and I've got the internet to keep myself occupied as I sit and wait. Nothing happens quickly in this section of Providence it seems. :)

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